Rupi Kaur Quotes
Rupi Kaur Quotes
A lot of Indian fathers don’t know how to show affection. My parents really do love me, even though my dad has never been able to say those words to me.
How do you redefine love when your idea of love is something that’s so violent? When your idea of passion is anger, how do you fix that?
Rupi Kaur Quotes on Friends
I would give anything to sing like Beyond or Adele. I’ve said many times to my friends that if I could sing like them, I would give up poetry and writing.
You’re beautiful’ was the compliment I craved so much. I didn’t care if people called me smart or innovative – it was the number-one compliment I gave out to other women hoping it was given back to me. I heard people saying it to my best friends. It was the one I wanted to hear more than anything else.
Rupi Kaur Quotes About Him
I am learning how to love him by loving myself
Rupi Kaur Quotes on Feminism
Feminism, in the most tasteful way.
Rupi Kaur Quotes on Life
You must want to spend the rest of your life with yourself first.
Rupi Kaur Quotes on Woman
I write from the various experiences I live in. Not every poem comes from my personal experience, though. It could be something that a friend lived, or a person from my community here, or a woman anywhere around the world.
If I body-shame a woman, it is more a reflection of me being critical of my body, me not being able to keep up to certain standards I have, and so making sure that the women around me feel the same way.
Rupi Kaur Quotes About Water
I am water soft enough to offer life tough enough to drown it away
Milk and Honey Quotes by Rupi Kaur
For me, the power of the poetry in ‘Milk and Honey’ is the feeling you get after finished reading the poem. It’s the emotion you feel once you’ve read the last word, and that is only possible when the diction is easy, and you don’t get stuck on every other word, you don’t know what the word means.
Milk and Honey’ were written with me being honest to myself, kind of pulling at the things that I hear the most and saying that out loud, and you know, that thing that we hear the most is most universal, and so that rings true with all folks. The language used in poetry is extremely, extremely accessible.
I want to create a collection, almost like a trilogy of sorts. Whereas ‘Milk and Honey’ was very much like holding a mirror up to yourself, the second book is turning that mirror around and fixing it on the world. The book is a reflection of the times we are in.
Rupi Kaur Quotes About Beauty
Really, at the end of the day, the only thing you can control is yourself; the only person you can truly educate is yourself. You have to redefine what beauty is to you so you can’t be affected by what people are saying.
Rupi Kaur Quotes on Poetry
The topics just kind of come to me. If they are relevant, it’s because they’re happening in the world around me, and it’s affecting me. Poetry is my way of dealing with it.
Poetry and art are key influences in changing how we look at taboos.
Rupi Kaur Quotes About Healing
The thing about writing is I can’t tell if it’s healing or destroying.
do not look for healing at the feet of those who broke you
Rupi Kaur Quotes Broken
when you are broken and he has left you do not question whether you were enough the problem was you were so enough he was not able to carry it.
Rupi Kaur Quotes on Writing
I was always writing for myself. I wrote what I needed to write and hear – that’s what makes it powerful.
The thing about writing is I can’t tell if it’s healing or destroying.
Rupi Kaur Quotes about Art
I am a museum full of art but you had your eyes shut
your art is not about how many people like your work your art is about if your heart likes your work if your soul likes your work it’s about how honest you are with yourself and you must never trade honesty for relatability
Poetry and art are key influences in changing how we look at taboos.
Rupi Kaur Quotes on Love
Just because someone tells you they love you, it doesn’t mean they actually do.
I haven’t had the opportunity to study visual art, but it was always my first love when it came to artistic expression. I started drawing and experimenting with visual art when I was 5.
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Rupi Kaur Quotes About Yourself :
There was no market for poetry about trauma, abuse, loss, love, and healing through the lens of a Punjabi-Sikh immigrant woman.
how you love yourself is how you teach others to love you
Loneliness is a sign you are in desperate need of yourself.
The pain that all people experience in life and the light that helps them champion through it all – it’s their lives and their stories and their love and will to keep living that moves me to write.
Really, at the end of the day, the only thing you can control is yourself; the only person you can truly educate is yourself. You have to redefine what beauty is to you so you can’t be affected by what people are saying.
accept yourself as you were designed